
Welcome to Georgetown University’s English Graduate Student Association (EGSA) website. Check here for news and information about being an English Graduate Student at Georgetown.

Georgetown’s English Graduate Student Association counts all enrolled MA students as its members. EGSA’s elected board also represents the interests of graduate students by serving as liaisons to the faculty, administration, and the student body at large. Perhaps most importantly, the board takes responsibility for providing opportunities for our students to develop and share their work as scholars.

Some of our regular projects include the following.

An Annual Conference:

EGSA hosts an annual conference that includes presentations by graduate students from schools nationwide. Attendees include Georgetown students and faculty members, as well as students from nearby universities. The 2023 Conference, Malady, was held on October 20th.

Desi Isaacson ’24 and Kavita Premkumar ’24 at Roth@90 in Newark, New Jersey

Our journal, Predicate:

This journal affords our students the opportunity to plan, edit and publish an academic journal. Our Editors (currently Caroline Hannum and Sarah Licht) lead a committee to choose a theme, craft and distribute a Call for Papers, and review submissions. The 2024 call for papers can be found in the Predicate tab. Copies of the 2022-2023 issue, edited by Noah Leiter, are available upon request.

A “Best of English” Colloquium:

Every spring, our informal colloquium allows students to present excerpts of their best work to an audience of students and faculty.

Halle Trang at Best of English 2024
Cohort Trip to Planet Word

Special Events: 

Our Professional Development Chair (Halle Trang) organizes events like alumni panels, at which program graduates speak about their current work. Our Academic Enrichment Chair (Kyra Green) organizes seminars for graduate students on relevant topics of interest (e.g the process of publishing books or applying to PhD programs).

In addition to our primary focus on academic enrichment and professional development,  our Outreach Chair (Sarah Licht) also plans social events to promote a relaxed, collegial atmosphere among our cohort. These range from the intellectual to the light-hearted, providing students a means to connect with one another in a variety of settings.

In summary, the EGSA works to foster a sense of intellectual and social community with Georgetown University’s M.A. program in English so that we may be better students, leaders, and members of both the English Department and the University as a whole.

Consortium Picnic, October 2023
Andrew Van Wagoner ’25 and Sam Straessle ’25

Current EGSA Board

Chair: Kavita Premkumar

Co-Chair: Miles Cooper

Treasurer: Caroline Hannum

Librarian: Zoe Giglio

Academic Development Chair: Kyra Green

Professional Development Chair: Halle Trang

Outreach Chair: Sarah Licht

Senator: Chase Kupinsky

Current EGSA Constitution

2024 – 2025 EGSA Board:

Chair: Chase Kupinsky

Co-Chair: Rose Grosskopf

Treasurer: Sam Straessle

Librarian: Olivia Hernandez

Academic Development Chair: Isaiah Washington

Professional Development Chair: Jamira Richardson

Outreach Chair: Maya White

Conference Chair: June Yoon